Monday, February 06, 2006

Exiled Africian Artist Issa Nyaphaga, Commissioned to Paint Captain Jonathan Walker

No Place for Hate Harwich
has commissioned a piece of art to commemorate Captain Jonathan Walker'a 207th birthday in Harwich. Issa Nyaphaga, the artist and his agent, Allan E. Shaidi owner of ZIZINI GALLERY in Hyannis met with NPFH's John Bangert at which time Jonathan Walker history was discussed in detail. N.Issa Nyaphaga is the artist.

Issa Nyaphaga was born in 1967 in a small Tikar village in the heart of the Cameroon's equatorial forest. The Tikar are farmers and like the other Tikar children, Issa was initiated in his early childhood to traditional painting. He learned to mix mud, natural pigments and other colored substances, which are used to decorate the walls of houses. He painted with his hands and fingers.

At fourteen, he went to Duala, the economic capital of Cameroon in order to pursue his study. He met a local painter, Kanganyang Viking, his "spiritual" father in Art with whom he completed and perfected his training.

After High School, he started working as political cartoonist in a satirical newspaper in Cameroon, "Le Messager Popoli". Opposed to the political regime in Cameroon, he was tortured and jailed. In 1996, he run away from his country to seek asylum in France, where he is currently working and exhibiting his work.

An activist devoted to the issues of refugees, Issa Nyaphaga was invited to address the French parliament on the 50th anniversary of the Geneva Convention.

Founder of the Association "Sphere Sud ", he contributes to the development of rural area in Cameroon. Since 1997, Issa teaches his techniques in universities and social institutes. He conducts therapeutic workshop for at-risk-children and teenagers.

Issa collaborates with the famous photographer Jacqueline Hyde, a former assistant to Man Ray, and also known for her work with Botero, Zao Wou Ki, Nicolas de Stael.
Co-author of " Political Asylum in France", he has also done the illustration of many other books published in France.

Issa appeared in many TV and Radio shows (BBC, VOA, Al JAYZEYRA, RFI) as well as in many African and European newspapers. He was on the Cape briefly and displaying his works both Hyannis and in Paris. His works will be on displayed at the Community Potluck Dinner February 18th in Harwich Community Center at 6-9pm. he live in exile in Paris, France. E-Mail Issa

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