Friday, November 18, 2005

Why No Place for Hate is in Development!


Mrs. Rosa Park's example and life, showed all of us, that one person can make all the difference in our actions. So therefore, we dedicate this endeavor to the memory of Mrs. Rosa Parks, and the collective mentors for our era, Mahatma Gandhi, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Gospel of Nonviolence

The Meaning of Nonviolence

"Gandhi was inevitable. If humanity is to progress,
Gandhi is inescapable.
He lived, thought and acted,
inspired by the vision of humanity evolving toward
a world of peace and harmony.
We may ignore Gandhi at our own risk."
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Did Katrina Exposed Race & Class on Cape Cod?

I became outraged over the lack of concern for our own evacuees from New Orleans when they were welcomed by a 5 foot burning cross in the town of Sandwich on September 5th. Shame on Sandwich! Shame on Cape Cod! This may be seen as just a "prank", but pranks like the cross burnings, or Kristallnacht , our history tells us, left unchallenged, become hate crimes, now supported by the entire community! Nazi racial policy changed extensively in the years between 1933 and 1939. The Nazi Party became increasingly extreme in its treatment of the minorities of Germany, particularly Jews.

Between 1933 and 1934, Nazi policy was fairly moderate, not wishing to scare off voters or moderately-minded politicians. Jews had been disliked for years before, and the Nazi Party used this anger to gain votes. They blamed poverty, unemployment, and the loss of World War I all on the Jews. German woes were largely due to the effects of the Treaty of Versailles designed to secure the position of Britain and France as Europe's only imperial powers.

If you would like to donate money to help defray our cost and are willing to support this town based initiative, please do so here with PayPal.

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